How Developers Can Improve Their Ecommerce Website?


When businesses want to sell their products online, they need an ecommerce platform that exudes originality, attractive design, and easy navigation, all while remaining user-friendly for the customer. This is where developers play their part. 

Web developers bring technical expertise and knowledge to their ecommerce websites. Not only do they ensure the platforms are running smoothly, but they also set up functionality for landing pages and shopping carts to provide a seamless customer shopping experience.

Here are some tips for developers that want to improve their ecommerce sites.

Optimize The Website for Different Screen Sizes

With devices now available in every shape and size imaginable, understanding how a website will appear and function on various screens is crucial. Developers must optimize websites for each platform for them to work seamlessly across different PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones (iPhone and Android). 


In addition, customers should be able to browse your ecommerce website wherever they are without running into any bugs, glitches, or design errors. 

Recover Abandoned Shopping Carts

Regardless of how perfect an e-store is, there's no such thing as "zero abandoned carts." Be it slow checkouts, high additional costs, website crashes, or insufficient payment methods — the reasons are up for debate. However, all hope isn't lost just yet, and you can still recover those abandoned carts and convert them into successful sales.


Web developers can track down visitors who leave your site purchasing nothing. They send them follow-up emails reminding them of the items in their cart or entice them to complete their orders.

Eye-catching Design

Did you know an average customer only spends around 15 seconds on a website? That is the amount of time you have to capture their attention. No wonder brands spend so much to ensure their ecommerce websites look top notch. After all, a brand is synonymous with its identity, and an ecommerce website should reflect that.

Ecommerce developers should create a clean, visually appealing design without compromising on features like consistent navigation and ease of use.

Effective Social Media Integration

Social media integration redirects the brand's social media followers to its ecommerce websites, where they may look through the products and place their orders. Since the links are shared across multiple social media platforms, they indirectly help SEO and increase brand exposure. So, the more visitors engage with the website, the more chances of converting them into active customers.

Apart from placing them on blog pages, website developers can embed share buttons on every product page so that customers can share their favorite ones. Also, it's a good idea to add a follow button to the header or footer of the page (with a link to the brand's social profile)

Optimized Lead Conversion Path

Often customers have to browse their way around the website in order to find the information they need. However, if they cannot find their desired products even after using all the filters, you can expect them to leave your site.

Hence, developers should design a website that allows visitors to quickly find what they need and guide them to the next step. As a web developer, you can do this by proper button placement, using plain language, or including subcategories in the menu bar.


Website development is key to success for every ecommerce business. Web developers are not only important in building a website but also to make sure that it consistently converts visitors into customers by providing them with a pleasant looking, accessible, smooth, and navigable interface on all their devices.